Binary Entropy Vectors

Characterizing the set of entropy vectors under various distribution constraints is a fundamentally important problem in information theory  [B1B2]. Not only would such an accurate characterization allow for the determination of all information inequalities, but it would enable the direct computation of all rate regions for network coding and multiterminal source coding. That is, understanding the fundamental limits for communication over networks is inherently linked with understanding the boundary of the set of entropic vectors.

The interest in the (closure of) the set of entropy vectors for discrete unbounded cardinality random variables ΓN*  [B1] and its normalized counterpart ΩN*  [B2B3] originated in the study of linear information inequalities  [B4B5B6], as these correspond to supporting halfspaces for these sets. More recently, it has been noted that the network coding capacity region  [B1B7] is a linear projection of ΓN* intersected with a vector subspace. These two problems are inherently related, as it has been shown  [B8] that for every non-Shannon type inequality (i.e., every supporting half space of ΓN*) there is a multi-source network coding problem for which the capacity region requires this inequality.

More generally, as all achievable rate regions in information theory are expressed in terms of information measures between random variables obeying certain distribution constraints, they can be expressed as linear projections of entropy vectors associated with these constrained random variables. Hence, there is a fundamental interest in multi-terminal information theory in the region of entropy vectors ΓN*(C) associated with random variables obeying distribution constraints C.

ΓN* is difficult to characterize for arbitrary N 4, as Matùš recently definitively proved  [B9], because there are an infinite number of associated linear information inequalities. There are few known computationally tractable inner bounds for ΓN* for N 4  [B10]  [B3], and it is generally unknown how to determine whether a given candidate vector h R+2N-1 is entropic or not. A computational algorithm capable of determining whether or not h ΓN* is not presently available for N 4. Our work  [A1A2] points out that by restricting the discrete random variables to be binary, one can obtain efficient descriptions of the entropy region, called the set of binary entropy vectors, ΦN. In particular, we introduce an algorithm which can definitively determine whether a candidate vector h R+2N-1 can be generated by a distribution on N bits. This has enabled us to deliver in  [A3A4A2] our primary contribution: an algorithm which, given any polytope outer bound for convΦN(C), returns a tuned inner bound agreeing on all of its (tight) exposed faces shared with convΦN(C). Because the inner bounds have this property, their performance increases with increasingly better performing outer bounds. The inner bound technique is easily extended to obtaining bounds for convΓN*(C) and convΩN*(C) as a function of outer bounds for these sets, as they contain convΦN(C).

Our current work is applying these inner bound techniques to gain insights about the tightness of existing outer bounds for ΩN*, and is dedicated to finding as many extreme points of ΩN* as possible.


Fig. 1: Pictorial representation of relationships among bounds for the region of normalized entropy vector Ω4* that are discussed in  [A3A4A2].

Funding for this Topic:

PIC This work supported by the National Science Foundation under the CAREER award CCF-1053702.

Relevant Publications & Presentations

[A1]   John MacLaren Walsh and Steven Weber, “A Recursive Construction of the Set of Binary Entropy Vectors,” in Forty-Seventh Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, Sept. 2009, pp. 545–552. [Online]. Available:

[A2]   J. M. Walsh and S. Weber, “A Recursive Construction of the Set of Binary Entropy Vectors and Related Inner Bounds for the Entropy Region,” IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, Oct. 2011, scheduled to appear.

[A3]   John MacLaren Walsh and Steven Weber, “Tunable Inner Bounds for the Region of Entropy Vectors,” Feb. 2010, 2010 Information Theory and Applications Workshop, University of California San Diego. [Online]. Available:

[A4]   ——, “Relationships Among Bounds for the Region of Entropic Vectors in Four Variables,” in 2010 Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, Sept. 2010. [Online]. Available:

[A5]   ——, “An Inner Bound Technique on the Normalized Set of Entropy Vectors,” Sept. 2009, DARPA ITMANET Meeting, MIT. [Online]. Available:

[A6]   ——, “Properties of the Binary Entropy Vector Region,” Mar. 2009, DARPA ITMANET Meeting, Stanford University. [Online]. Available:

[A7]   John MacLaren Walsh, Steven Weber, Drakontas LLC, “Optimal Coded Information Network Design and Management via Improved Characterizations of the Binary Entropy Function,” Feb. 2009, Air Force Office of Scientific Research Complex Network Program Review. [Online]. Available:

External References

[B1]   Raymond W. Yeung, Information Theory and Network Coding. Springer, 2008.

[B2]   B. Hassibi and S. Shadbakht, “Normalized Entropy Vectors, Network Information Theory and Convex Optimization,” in IEEE Information Theory Workshop on Information Theory for Wireless Networks, July 2007, pp. 1 – 5.

[B3]   ——, “On a Construction of Entropic Vectors Using Lattice-Generated Distributions,” in IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), June 2007, pp. 501 – 505.

[B4]   Zhen Zhang and Raymond W. Yeung, “A Non-Shannon-Type Conditional Inequality of Information Quantities,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 43, no. 6, Nov. 1997.

[B5]   ——, “On Characterization of Entropy Function via Information Inequalities,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 44, no. 4, July 1998.

[B6]   R. Dougherty, C. Freiling, and K. Zeger, “Networks, Matroids, and Non-Shannon Information Inequalities,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 53, no. 6, pp. 1949–1969, June 2007.

[B7]   Xijin Yan, Raymond W. Yeung, and Zhen Zhang, “The Capacity Region for Multi-source Multi-sink Network Coding,” in IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), June 2007, pp. 116 – 120.

[B8]   T. Chan and A. Grant, “Entropy Vectors and Network Codes,” in IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, June 2007.

[B9]   František Matúš, “Infinitely Many Information Inequalities,” in IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), June 2007, pp. 41–44.

[B10]   T. Chan and R. Yeung, “On a relation between information inequalities and group theory,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 48, no. 7, pp. 1992 – 1995, July 2002.